пятница, 27 марта 2009 г.

It wouldn’t seem

It wouldn’t seem like there would be much to something as simple as teen culture, but teenagers have an entire subculture that most parents are oblivious to. It is no longer the same world that we grew up in and teen culture applies a great deal of pressure on kids these days. When teenagers enter high school, they are given an invisible set of rules that they are supposed to live by whether they agree with them or not. How you enter ninth grade is usually how you leave the twelfth grade, socially standing. This means that kids are discouraged by their peers from changing too much. If you walk into high school as a jock you are most likely going to leave as a jock. For many kids trapped in teen culture, this is just the end of the story.Some kids can make transitions from one of the many teen subcultures but it is highly looked down upon. This means that kids are discouraged not only from changing but from growing as well. Their ability to experience life in many different facets is cut short by the basic rules of teen culture. Who your friends are, where you eat lunch, with whom you eat it, and how your classmates are going to view you is all decided on the first day of class. With all that pressure and the tension between social groups it is no wonder that many teen subject to such a culture feel stifled and over pressured.